Introducing the truly compact bagchain qube. Therefore the easiest and fully mobile automated way of remotely check-in baggage and print a self adhesive eezeetags bag tag.
Compact design
Due to the success of our mobile bagchain print, tag and gate kiosks. The bagchain qube shares the same compact foot print 0,09 m2 / 0.97 ft2.

Easy process
So using the qube is almost the same process as for our other kiosks. Just scan the mobile or home printed boarding pass. Use with a hand held scanner, the qube scanner or bagchain scan App. Check the weight of the bag. Scan the passport if required. The baggage allowance will be verified and if all ok checked-in the airlines DCS and a self-adhesive eezeetags bag tag is printed. All within seconds…
Logistic Companies
Specially designed for the use by logistic companies for door-to-door baggage services. Due to it’s mobile compact size the qube can easily installed in the courier vans. It can also be used at events, pop-up stores, curb side check-in, practically anywhere.

API integration
Via a secured and encypted API connection to the bagchain cloud, the baggage of several airlines can be checked-in and a bag tag printed *.
* customers will need to obtain authorisation from the airlines
4 Voltage versions
The bagchain qube is available in four power voltage versions:
- 12V version; especially designed for use in courier vans
- 24V version; for the use in trucks
- 100V-220V; for use in the terminal, baggage area etc.
- Battery operated; for use in the field
There are several options to scan the boarding pass and if required the passport or ID. Via the built-in scanner, the scanner hat, the bagchain scan App or via a connected handheld scanner.
Just like building bricks the bagchain qube can be assembled from various optional components. A scanner hat, a built-in scanner, voltage options etc.